星期四, 7月 28, 2011


Mooncake festivsl is around the corner
Yesterday after meeting customer in MPOB Kelana Jaya
I headed to midvalley to buy mooncake
Because going to visit a family in singapore and this is for them

Oh btw, i bought the mooncake in jusco
And before you buy the mooncake actually you can go to jusco used RM 45 to buy a RM50 worth voucher

I select Da Tong mooncake maybe this more reliable ?
Ha.. I just saja choosr
Btw, the 4 biji container (up one) got 4 colour to choose
It has pink, blue, silver and gold
I choose silver cause it look more classic

I also another 2 biji one to put in office
This container no choice one

Oh, and if you have jusco card
The mooncake got 10% discount
Plus you can use that voucher as well
If you dont have jusco voucher how?
Go to borrow loh

Im lucky enough that
The mooncake aunty help me go to buy voucher and borrow me jusco card
I just stand there wait to pay

Haha... Im lucky princess ^^

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