星期四, 5月 12, 2011

Non stop learning in extravaganza

Is very hard to share all is because you gotto to be there to feel it yourself
To learn yourself
To touch by yourself

I know one day i will be like them...
Collected all the diamonds one by one :)
They are such an amazing couple
we learn so much from them

What u learn from them the 7 self leadership are:
1. Change: for things to change i have to change. Only i myself be able to open my heart to accept change because the door knob is inside, is not outside. So outsider are not able to help me. Only me myself able to change, able to open my own heart!

2. 3 managements : time management, money management and also outlook management.

3. Be a good student, learn !!

4. Me vs others. Everyone is different... Accept each and everyone with being them.

5. Energizer. Make other happy, bring happy to others.

6. Talk less, do more !!!

7. Birds.

Remember the circle of success...

You have to know why our CEO will come to herbalife yet he worked with disney for past 17 years!! There must be some reason hah.

Think bout this. Why a nobel prize laureate doctor wanna join our company instead of others??
Why Doctor Vasilios Frankos from FDA wanna join herbalife?
And think bout this, why Doctor Paolo wanna quit Estee Lauder and join Herbalife??

Oh my gosh, i cant imagine how powerful is our doctor team behind the company if i din go to this international event.
And extravaganza really strengthen my believe.
And i believe it strengthen a lot of people believe. Clear a lot of doubt for lots of people.

The best thing is, we have the next upcoming event in Korea in september.
If you would like to know how to go, feel free to ask me yeh ^^
then we can go together loh !!!!

- 射手小公主 -



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