星期四, 5月 12, 2011

Bloom my mind

This was the last minute announcement that we will going to have a supervisor training this afternoon 3pm
It is for supervisor and above and IT IS FOC !!

Gotto meet this president team Trey Harron
He been using herbalife since he was 10 years old
His father become a president team in 6 months
Alto his father earn a lot of money but does not inspire him
When he was 19 , he heard his father in a conference ( which is online HOM)
He heard a 25 years old kid earn USD 2500
This inspire him to start the business because he want to earn extra $1000 in his college life...
Guess what his father president team told him?
You have to become supervisor this month !!!
And he made it at the last of that month
And the next day he share the story like crazy in college and he earn $420 just one day...
He became GET Team in 3 months time
Become Millionaire team when he turn to 20 years old earning $10,000

Amazingly he found Francis and Marissa when he did his walk and talk in bangkok
At that time he was millionaire team
He make sure he talked to 10 people a day
And after six month he talked to Francis
And now Francis is his president team ^^
because of that, he has his team in singapore
also because of Allen Peter, Trey also has a big big team in Malaysia
And amazingly Trey has 700 people in bangkok extravaganza this time..

Learn so much for president Trey today
Everyone write so much of notes
When Trey share bout his father passed away, everyone tears

The best thing is, he shared with us!the secret that he learned in his first training by mark hughes

It is:
USE the products
WEAR the brand
TALK to people.....

Is that simple !!

I love herbalife ^^

- 射手小公主 -



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