星期三, 5月 11, 2011

Will you want to same like her?

She added me as her little sister as she has no yonger sister in her family!!
Haha... So good hah :)

Anyway, she was our club customer Jenny
After STS, she decided to go bangkok with us
Asked her why you decided to come bangkok, at the beginning she said, i dont know, i just Audrey said, you must go extravaganza!! Something like that
The power if event !!

She shared with me her products result:
After 1 month using herbalife nutrition: her knee pain gone, asthma attacked gone
Before that, she used to have asthma attacked every month
But after she started using since september 2010, she had no single asthma attacked til now !! Blessful enough...
She improved her eye sight, improve her mensus problem !! No more period pain, and period come regularly and fresh !!
Clothes size from XL to M now !! Oh my gosh !!!

The best thing is, she used to have bad relationship with her son
Because everytime she back from work, she was very tired
No energy with the son, no energy do homework with him
Amazingly after herbalife, she has the energy to accompany her son
And now their relationship getting better!!

This is the most touches part that i ever heard
Because this make me feel that
With herbalife, we not only changing people body become healthy
Yet we change their life to a happy better life :)

Welldone Jenny!!

Thanks to herbalife....

If you know anyone wanna improve health like Jenny, feel free to drop me message, leave comment to me, facebook me, twitter me etc etc ^^

Will never forget our mission is to help the world with good nutrition :)

- 射手小公主 -



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