星期五, 12月 31, 2010

Princess's 2010 !!!!!!!

after i finish all the photos
i have so many emotional attachment towards them
yayaya i am a very emoitional person hah !!

sometimes i forgot what i have done thruout the year
so this help me to refresh my memory
and after this i will know what i have to do in 2011

of course below is just that some of the "things" that happen in particular month
everyday every month has a lot of things which not possible to share all lah
but if i share in the blog also can view month by month hah ...

January & February:
Herbalife spectacular a.k.a Malaysia Herbalife anniversary
as usual, we learned, we partied..have fun together
I went to Singapore for a short trip
met old friends...what i mean here is they are old !! hehe ~~ (jkjkjk)
Attend Juicy Jux opening ceremony
is like those big company opening like that seriously
got 剪綵 somemore, got 大人物 give speech
Chinese New Year (one of my favourate festival )
can take ang pao (hehe...sometimes alto feel paiseh but still take la)
Went to Melaka for a short trip as well

March & April:
March is HBL Club opening day
March should be my month also cause is 珊月 (ok, i kisiao -_-)
Oh, i went to Hot Air Balloon
first time mah, so 紀念紀念下
Also went to broga hill (hmm...i know i hardly exercise but i did hoh)
First time gave training (the first time is so....ermmm....no good )
second time better ^^
Went to Genting for From Zero to Hero training
of course 少不了 party again, Hawaii theme hah !!
And i went to Cambodia vacation
whole vacation full of HOT sun (珊again?)(i should love hah)
but i enjoy

Come to the middle of the year
Of course we celebrate Mama Day and Papa Day ^^
In Herbalife also is a big event call Extravaganza
this year we went to Singapore !!
ya, is very near to us ... hoho ~~
And I enjoyed my first time to Typica (pudu there)
because I am coffee lover
Oh, also my best friend Ah Toh and Evie wedding !!
I went to do Ah Toh's heng tai -_-''
Had a nice nice vacation in Perth
get to visit my uncle and aunty there
spent sweet moment in Austalia Winter
Flew to east Malaysia KK attended amazing training
and having Black & White party there !!
Of course have to celebrate my little baby Happie birthday
ya, she born in June ^^
she is so adorable (if she not simply bark and jump like crazy lah)

Thanks to Herbalife so I can go to Bali once again
to attend the Supervisor training over there
Met my amazing upline President Team Andrew Coltman
Also attended another From Zero To Hero in Genting
having fun in the party because the theme is "Back To School"
can see so many "young" students !!!!!
and sexy teacher Ms Moh ~~~
Had our first Ramadhan dinner at Maple Suite next to Bangunan KWSP

My never boring place to go - Disneyland !!
haha... everyone love disneyland right ??
After eat,play,shop in Hong Kong then i went to Macau for Herbalife University training
met amazing people speaker food weather hotel etc ect
Went to Ampang Nine Emperor God Templer
Brought my little Happie for first time jogging
she enjoyed so so much

Come to the last 2 months in the year which i somehow love the most
I November because my birthday fall in this month
This year a.m. Home opening also fall on November somehow
After my birthday I went for vacation in Singapore and Penang
having lots of fun and sweet memory over there as well ^^
The big thing in December of course attend Nobel Price Laurate
Dr Louis Ignarro training !!!!!!! proud proud proud hah ^^
Hold the first ever X'mas party at a.m. Home
enjoying the whole world food here
hanging with the international people come from everywhere in the world
amazing !!!! i truly absolutely love it and enjoyed it so much
Of course my best best old friend Soo's wedding dinner on Christmas
so i considered have a special christmas day ^^
Also attended Uni-mate wedding dinner as well
so many people choose to marry in year end hah !!!


Of course thru out the year not all the things are happy
But i love to share the happy things also keep the happy memory
I been thru hard time as well
But I learned and grow


I would like to thanks all who come into my life
Thanks to those who leave from my life
Thanks to those who being a part of my life
My life will not be complete without having you guys
You all make my life being so beautiful
and I really appreciate of everythings that come into my life

Will end my year 2010 with this post in the blog
also will end my year 2010 tonight count down at a.m. HOME !!

4 則留言:

Jena Mae Nacar 提到...

many thanks to herbalife as well! another great year to come!!!

SanSan の Life 提到...

yes you are right my dear ^^

Jaci Walker 提到...

Love your blog post and your blog.

I'm following your blog and I would love it if you could check out mine and follow back.

SanSan の Life 提到...

thanks Jaci !!


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