星期五, 12月 31, 2010

Start the New Year ANXIETY-FREE !

If you find yourself living in a permanent state of anxiety, make it your resolution to stop this year! Here's how...

Have A Daily 20-minute 'Woe Session'
As your day progress, mentally collect and shelve your worries into a virtual box. Pour them out during these daily sessions, and always at the same time and place. By not dwelling on these issues constantly, you'll have a clearer head to focus on other matters at hand.

Knit Your Brows And Make Faces
Exaggerate your worries to the point of absurdity - break into cold sweat, shake uncontrollably and cower under your favourate blanket. In other words, make a caricature of the part of yourself that is always worried and in doing so, exorcise it.

Worry Productively
Worrying about realistic issues can actually motivate us to take action. Instead of engaging in nothing but incessant worrying, do something about it to improve the situation! When faces with mutiple concerns, it helps to make an action list of the top three issue and deal with them.

-from The Malaysian Women's Weekly Jan' 2011-

As conclusion, I wish everyone


smile (=



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