星期三, 12月 29, 2010

Personal Development

i went to a personal development class
and i m glad that i went
maybe is due to i have to keep my promise to finish the class
and also
is like you pay for the course and if you not finish them
what a waste hah ??

everyone needs personal development i would say
why ??
because everyone want to become a better person
this is my thought lah
you can no need to agree with me de...

just try to recap what i've learnt

we total watched 4 videos?

1 video is a cartoon video
"who moved my cheese"
i believe those who read this book will know
and the video is cute and simple to understand la
we need to adapt to change
when things / environment change, we have to change
always aware to the environment surround us
let go the "old cheese" and move on
"old cheese" doesn't mean the cheese lah
is like let go the maybe the old thinking, the past
and move on
definitely everyone need to move on hah
if you don't want to move on
the time also will push you to move on heh !!

the second video we watched is about
a big muscular guy carry another guy on the back
and he crawl
he need to crawl 50 steps
and i just can hear his coach keep encourage him
"don't give up! don't give up!"
30 steps to go, 20 steps to go...something like that
maybe he think that he cannot do it
but actually everyone can do whatever you want to do
if you think you can

if you think you can, you are right;
if you think you cannot, you also right !!
(but which one you want?)

the third video touched me the most
although i watched so many times
but still... it is touch !!!
is the nic vujicic
if you havent watch this
go and find it out from youtube hah !!
i heart him lor !!
he has no arm, no leg..only has the body
but he can swim, skii, walk,change clothes
when he fall down , he know how to stand up by himself
harlo...fall down and stand up is so easy for us
because we have arms and leg
but he has not
but he did not give up on trying to stand up by himself
UNTILL he success
after i watched this video
in my heart i really feel that
if still want to complain
go to watch again and again and again !!!!
and i really feel that
my big problems compare to him is small problems
my small problems compare to him is NO problems hah !!

and the last video we watched is "Lesson of the seasons"
yah, in some of the countries have 4 seasons
but we did not apply the lesson of this 4 seasons into our daily life
thanks to Jim Rohn giving this such a good lesson about the 4 seasons
"we cannot change the season but we can change ourself !!"
i think i had share about this lesson of 4 seasons before hah
stay and hold on on winter which is hard time
grab the opportunity in spring time
nourish and protect the people or the hardwork in summer
and harvest in the autumn

actually in the short 2 hours
i really learned a lot
alto something i already heard i already learned
but no harm and actually is good to learn again
good to listen again
just like a good book we will read 1 more time
good movie we tend to watch 1 more time

for things to change, we have to change
for things to get better, we have to get better
say is easy but action is hard

everything start from a simple step
when we have the gut to step out 1 more step
i believe we can have more step to go further to pursue our dream
to reach our goals hah !!



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