星期二, 1月 04, 2011

Tag: What Makes Me... Me!

1. How tall are you?
I am 156cm (is it short?

2. How old are you?
as young as my age ^^

3. When were you born?
I was born in November...Sagi baby ^^

4. What trend do most of your clothes follow?
dresses. i love to wear dress alot maybe i am short.i love to wear short skirt and short pants as well. I hardly wear long jeans because if i wear long jeans i need to match with heels which sometimes is hard for me to walk with heels !!

5. Do you have any piercings/tattoos?
i have piercing on my ears but no tattoos

6. Are there any foods you don't like?
Brinjour (i dont know how to spell), 腐乳(is yucky for me)

7. What is your favorite song?
songs from S.H.E. Currently i love their album SHERO.

8. Philosophy or Lush?
I have no idea what Philosophy is, and in Malaysia we dont have Lush

9. Gold or silver?
Gold. more pretty and easy to match. But the everyday wear accesories i prefer white gold.

10. What are your hobbies?
I love reading. travel. writing blog. facebook. listen music. shopping. (are all these hobbies?)

11. Lipstick or lip gloss?
Lip gloss. i hardly use lipstick

12. Urban Decay or MAC?

13. Winter or summer?
Summer. Although in Malaysia no Winter but when i been to the country in their winter season, i felt too cold till is hard for me to enjoy !!

14. Do you have acne?
Yes of course.

15. Is your skin oily, dry, or normal?
Oily especially my T-zone and my cheek.

16. Do you have freckles?

17. What shoe size are you?
Size 5, which also 36 in some shoes size.

I tag you (everyone reading this) to leave your answers to the above questions in the comments or post it on your blog.




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