星期二, 1月 04, 2011


i post a status on my facebook talking about "how can we be happy everyday? as simple as it is just a thought? but of course we have to be happy from the deepest of our heart !!"
and i get a comment ask that how
actually one of my resolution of 2011 of course is getting more happy
happy from the bottom of my heart
but how can we be happy?
what i said here is as simple as it is just a thought
ya, this is sound like very simple
but somehow a lot of people will feel that say is easy then done (i do agree sometimes)
but my tip for myself is
if i can be happy, why i shall be sad or not happy?
write down something that make you happy in the place where you see often
you also can choose to put the happy thing in ur mind but
for me somehow when we get unhappy we tend to forget
dunno why the "unhappy" thought will push the "happy" thought out from the mind hah
the happy thing is not only just write but is really the "things" that can make you cheer up ^^
i make myself a habit starting this year and i feel good till this time being
i dunno it works for you but it definitely work for me

remember this "your happy thing > anything that make you feel sad/unhappy"


when i talked to club customer Rose
she asked me about the dinner attire
where to buy , what to wear, how to match things like that
and we talked about shopping (which my love.. hahaha...)
and i shared with her about how i shopping in those places where you can find cheap clothes
usually if a shop sell the clothes is super cheap and sometimes quite nice de (you gotto search patiently lah !!!)
normally this kind of shop like 24/7 also a lot of people de
a lot of people choose clothes, a lot of people queue for try out that clothes
a lot of people queue for even PAY !! (crazy hah !!)
and usually a lot of workers(sales girls inside as well)
imagine this "A LOT' de shop everything is so "A LOT"
so people tend to get "pik cik" very easy
for sure you easy to bang by people lah..this la that la
all you have to do is "be patient"
nothing much you can do
unless you dont want to buy from this shop
so, just walk away to other shop
for me is, i love to see different kind of clothes
sometimes in this kind of shop i can dig a lot more better cheap dress than any other
but when i step in this shop
i already told myself all the incident above going to happen
so, i slumber choosing my clothes
when people say"excuse me" then i just let them walk pass
or if i want to walk pass i just say "excuse me"
when people inside bang me , just "NO PROBLEM"
because the shop ..oh yah, the shop also a lot of clothes !!
the place to walk is limited so people bang on people is just normal
(am i saying till so 誇張?)
aiya, maybe not horrible till what i said la
but this is sometimes might happen lah..haha...
just cool yourself down and choose and see what you want what you like only buy
don't just because of many people then you can't be bother to queue to try
and just buy then end up go back home find out cant fit or dont like something like that
if you can't queue for trying, go other time
because i don't see there is any point of buying something that you don't really like

customer in nutrition share me that
if she step into the shop where "no trying" de
(usually no trying de shop sell those clothes quite cheap de thats why)
the sales girl will give her a "鄙視" 的眼光
why ? just because she is not thin
customer told me that: the sales girl de eye sight is like telling her
"this kind of body shape also dare to come and choose this kind of clothes ah"
something like that...
but i want to say is
harlo, not thin is not sin de ok
nvm ,she now taking shake in our club and lose weight now and reshaping
and become more healthy and more pretty
and next time go back to that shop and "scare" the sales girl...
wahahaha....i 變態 !!
and don't everytime the sales girl said: wah, you wear this very nice oh
then you "think" really is nice then you go and buy
buy the one you really like hoh !!

even buy shoes also like that
don't be shy on trying shoes till ngam size
again, what for you buy the shoes which the size no ngam ah?
no ngam here means look really weird on your foot la
even you try 10 pairs but you really can't those shoes match your feet
DON'T BUY !!!!
but for me to shop for shoes
i will take those shoes that i want to try and ask the sales person go to take one short
i mean here is i will look around the whole shop and glance thru any shoes that i wish to try on
if i see 5 pairs i will take that sample and ask to try for those 5
so the sales person no need go and come back so many times la
kesian hoh !!
unless u glance thru only 1 pair you like lah
but suddenly you see another pair while you waiting
(this is exeptional lah)
oh yah, after try on those shoes if really don't have the one you like
don't buy !!! ( i have to stess this point again hah!)
because i don't see the point where you buy that shoes because you feel paiseh
of the sales person take so many shoes for you to try
you buy that shoes is because you really like it / them hoh !!!
i guess they also don't want we 施捨 hoh !!

i don't have much experience on buying make up thingy
but i saw a lot of people suggest that buying make up thingy better try on face not hand
maybe i should have to experience myself next time ^^

this is really so Random !!
but i love sharing !!


2 則留言:

Invisible 提到...

some sales person super hard sell, ugly also can say pretty one.. lolz~ beh tahan..

SanSan の Life 提到...

ya lo...thats why i said buy only you really like loh !!!
dunno shall i say 眼光不同 Hoh !! LOL


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