星期二, 12月 28, 2010

Grateful Holiday Season

(picture from http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgXKYTBd79BGv3udLHDLtVX5ztNHs0bkWqu5I8Thh2G-_LcKI8Eg)

i guess everyone sure have a wonderful grateful holiday hah
i think this is a good thing about Malaysia is
we have a lot a lot (really a lot) of holidays
we have 3 different races here
so to be fair to us we celebrate Chinese New Year, Hari Raya
Deepavali, and then Thaipusam also we cannot forget
somehow Christmas also is our holiday
then Awal Muharam (muslim change calendar) also we can HOLIDAY !!
and Wilaya Persekutuan Day (KL Holiday)
differrent state have different Sultan birthday. their own state day
add add buy buy we have so many holidays le !!!!!
so good hah !!
Ok, i m out of topic le
come back !!

what i want to say is...
i had a grateful season holiday
December is a holiday month
i also dunno why
maybe is because a lot of holiday fall in december ??
but my birthday not in december woh
but somehow i also kinda like December because love christmas
i love to exchange gift with the one i love
but this year more special
i did not go to count down(not because i old la)
just that i had bad experience during count down with crowd
no exchange gift with love one
but i do give out a lot of presents (i felt happy and good)
and do charity for the needs !!
and i spend the christmas day with those i really love
and attending my best friend wedding
(yes, wedding dinner during christmas)
and i did received lots of love pressie as well
received grateful heart
good to end my 2010 with such a grateful season !!
and i sure my 2011 will be better
and getting better as well !!



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