星期一, 3月 29, 2010

lunch with BFF

we suppose to meet last week for lunch
but due to some reason
we postpone till today

and we suppose (suppose again !!) have 4 people ate lunch de
but ah soo suddenly not in pavillion
btw, ah soo's de flower shop is at pavillion
in front the supermarket there
she not always there lah
but if you lucky
you can see a gorgeous tau geh there which is her la (=

then siew lan called me this morning said she not so well still
walk 2 steps like veyr 喘气
so , she wont join us

left me and yong rong
surprisingly, while both of us (me and ah rong) eating
ah lan called said that she went to bank
so means can join us lunch wo
so good

our lunch was like people's tea time like that
cause me and ah rong ate bread and bread and bread
oh, she got ate nasi lemak also
ah lan ate kuih cause she not well
haha.. funny us

we 3 want to take photo together
so i go to ask a guy next table help us
he very helpful and took photo for us
and when i saw him like stand a bit far
i ask him take closer
then end up (can see the pic)

when ah rong saw the pic
she said , wah, not so near pun
then we start laugh
and he look at us embarrasingly
we dare not ask him take again or
ask other people take again
because it seems not good for him
anyway, can crop it out la if i want
hehe.. thanks for the young guy help us ^^

feel blessing to have BFF like them
because we been know each other for 16 years ???
wow, time flies

ah rong bought me this book
what a surprise ?!?!

after i read the first page
i even feel touch when i read what she wrote inside
haha... muacks
thanks darling.. love you !!



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