星期二, 3月 30, 2010

transform !!!!

i remember last time when i went shopping
the car park still dark, old

but recently i went again
it's different !!!!!!!!
brighter (this is ryan said) , got small small red/green lights on top

dang lang ~~~~
where is this car park ?
u think is Sunway ? cause got the sensor on each car park ?

NO ~~~~

this is Sungai Wang !!!!!!

although they still implementing
but some part already finished !!

when the car park slot got car
the indicator shows red
when there is empty slot
it shows green

this is easy for drivers who want to find car park

but now because they still implementing the indicators
so the car park in sungai wang very 乱
(maybe only i found very 乱 lah )
cause the way if not proper at this moment yet
but i guess soon they will fix it lah !!

p/s: i went to bought things at parkson sungai wang
and i lost inside parkson !!
cant find the way out to sungai wang shops -_-
when i asked the sales girl i also feel paiseh ~~~
next time must shop smart smart yeh !!



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