星期三, 3月 17, 2010

after grooming 的 happie

yesterday brought my happie go for grooming
at first want to go cheras queens park
cause is nearer mah
but who know when i arrive
they said no groomer that day !!!!!!!!!!!!
i have no choice gotto bring happie went kepong de
cause she wee wee and poo poo in her cage le

before i went to take her
the pet shop called me said that her fur is very 乱
so they decided to do full grooming on her
and cut her long hair to short

i was very scare cause i scare the outcome is very ugly

but after grooming back….

what is this ???? a white fur ?
a cotton ???
no la…this is my happie la…
still…. white in colour~~

still so adorable !!!! aren’t she cute neh ??
she smells good ….
cant resist to hug her … hoho~~

look at her 无辜 face !!
kawaii des neh ~~

this is when she 伸懒腰
hahahahahhaahhahaa  ~~

she lao gai-ing ~~
why ??

dont know.. maybe she want drink shake gua

and in the morning i gave her shake
i put inside her bowl

i want her drink but she just look at me

then i went to drink mine

after awhile when i go back to her cage…..


she finished le !!!!!!!
super fast ~~~~~
somemore drop a bit out from the bowl into the bottom of the tray
can see the little yellow stain !!!!

why yellow ?? cause she drank Tropical Fruit this morning

shake can keep her healthy
keep her fur white white… woohooo !!!!!


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