星期二, 7月 21, 2009


This morning Nikklo got 1 guest in HOM. after the HOM, ask him ready to start or want to get training? he said he would like to start end month. So i get him come this Saturday and buy the STS ticket first. At first he said he had no money to start ,I said no problem. Start when you ready. The for buying ticket , he said he has the money but he want to buy modem. So I told him, think back why you come here. Looking for opportunity? Now the opportunity in front you, and you know you gotto learn from the training and learn earn money. So, which one is important for you? At the end, he think and he pay me RM50 deposit !!!!!!!!!!!!!! unbelievable.....

1 則留言:

Nikklo Lo 提到...

thanks, and learnt from there~


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