星期一, 7月 06, 2009

organisation meeting

today JNC group meeting Farhani and Ryan each of them share on different topic. Farhani's topic is one Teamwork. Teamwork makes the dreams work.

Coming together is a beginning
Keeping together is a process
Working together is a Success

so team, we need to focus on same destiny ya !!

For Ryan part, he share bout Attitude. He mention 4 points:

1. Start from zero. no matter how strong are you, how good is ur background, how bad is ur education, is always NO PROBLEM in herbalife here. Start everything from zero, learn everything  and definite you will reach the top.

2. No complaint. No complaint to other nor ownself. Because if we start complaint, the bad influence will go into our mind and once it store inside, it will have negative influence in us.

3. be a better person. because we are dealing with people.think bout why people join you not others? why people stay with you not others? why customers become long term customers but not buying from others? why ?? the products definitely work, they stay with you because they like you as a person. they like to stay surround you. so we need to build a good relationship with other people. if other people or even your own downline not coming for training, dont complaint. come to the training yourself FIRST, improve yourself FIRST, become better FIRST then they will follow.

4. the last point is about the theme in extravaganza - 4 seasons
in our life, we will pass through this 4 season. is like farmer.

in Winter time, farmer cant do anything, so they prepare themselves. so as us, this mean the hard time for us in our journey. we need to prepare ourself to the next challenge, next opportunity.

Then when the SPRING come, farmer start planting the seed. this is our opportunity come. so, what we do? grab the opportunity of course.

after spring, SUMMER come. farmer start nourish their plant, protect their plant by eaten from the insects. when we grab the opportunity, we need to nourish our opportunity, protect our dream. dont let other people even the person who are very close to you steal your dream. we know what we want, we need to protect our dream and believe in it and achieve in it.

the last season is AUTUMN, this is the time where farmer harvest. and this is the time we get our succesfull.

but think bout this, if farmer did not prepare, did not plant seed, did not protect their plant, will they get their harvest??

so as our opportunity, when we face difficulty, we prepare ourself, read books, improve ourself. when we see opportunity, we grab it. nourish it, protect it. go for our goal. then our dream will come true.

thank you for reading my blog.. love you guys



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