星期五, 7月 10, 2009

met Alenxandra @ Herbalife HQ in Jakarta

met Alexandra - Paulo's supervisor at herbalife HQ , princess sagi was there early, we suppose to meet about 10:30 am, but i arrived at 10am so i just wait inside the HQ. the HQ there open at 9 am !! is early , than Malaysia.. haha...

Herbalife HQ in Jakarta is at Menara DEA II.. luckily i saw herbalife logo and it is at ground floor. if not princess sagi also not sure whether menara DEA and menara DEA II is the same or not.. :(


the glass door from outside


the deco inside.. the HQ in Jakarta is beautiful


the table is awesome.. look.. got herbalife logo de.. not like malaysia de.. is just plain steel table like tat


the counters.. the last counter on right hand side is VIP. i duno what it mean but it mean VIP.

and the HQ upstair is meeting place. on that day itself got HOM at 1 pm. i get to know after i left that place. :(


she asked me to wear her sunglass.. look at my funny look .. :p

Alexandra told me she doing herbaife part time but with FULL HEART. omg !! i was so impressed and really have a good time with her!! learn so much of walk and talk from her. when u see she do walk and talk,  is so simple and easy and joy without any stress ^^


she treat princess sagi for Baso.. is really nice.. princess sagi ordered without noodle de.. cause after i ate these 2 big meat ball, i feel so full ><


she ate with mee hoon.... she is so pretty ah.. she is chinese but duno how to speak chinese


she saw the advertisement on shop to rent and she quickly call and ask bout the price cause she want to open nutrition club there

and she told me, the distributor in indonesia is very aggresive de.


this is their superHOM ticket. is fRee de. distributor can get 10 pieces, Supervisor can get 15 pieces, world team 20, Get Team 30, Millionaire team 50 and president team 75. if i not put it wrong. they use this ticket to invite their guests for superHOM.


on my way back to hotel, i saw this !! make the photo big and u will see the signboard with SuperHOM. omg !!! we even dont promote in malaysia like this sia !!! unbelievable.

really have a great time here. will update again soon ^^



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