星期四, 1月 22, 2015


Although is not Christmas anymore, but I lucky enough to have a bunch of Babes give me so many gifts so I consider them as my 2015 New Year gifts hah~~~ They are such a sweet babes in my life !!!! Really have to thanks to 24 FitChallengeKL, because of healthy active lifestyle and I get to know a lot of people who love to be healthy , who are crazy , fun and positive !!!!

Life is always Wonderful !! 

Thanks Dinda, Shariff and Little Jasmine brought this back for me from Korea !!
So sweet to hear Jasmine said that when she saw the Hello Kitty she straight away think of me hah ~~
Already used the Panda Mask ... hohoho ~~~

 Thanks Cilla for bunch of goodies !!!! I got new luggage tag yeah ^^
Definitely love those stickers not only is Hello Kitty but when I write cards and write planner, I love to add stickers on it!! Good to try the new "shoes lace" but no need to tie them so no worry the shoes lace going to open when I run!! Lovely ~~~ Last but not least the lovely hanger, and my favourate colour and it suit my Pink Room so so much hah ~~~

Pink from Hong Kong !!!!!! You know me well Sherryl, anything sweet, girly and PINK !!!! 
Got a new Pink Earbud ( I think i never had pink earbud before >< ), but now I got one !!!! sweet ~~
another PINK "shoes lace" all PINK ~~~~~ a gorgeos lip stick and also pink eye shadow ~~ just nice to have them for CNY in february ~~~~~ hehehehehe.... Love love love them !!

 Another lovely PINK mirror from Hong Kong !!! Thanks Hana. You want me look at myself everyday isit ?? hehe~~~ just i dont know why the pouch is in wedding wording loh ~~ LOLx... but I love the cute mirror neh !!! ^^

A sweet little souvenier from Koh Lipe from Nat. Saw her picture from Koh Lipe, Thailand. the scene is breath taking !! no wonder it known as "Thailand Maldives". Put it in my travel list, yeay ~~~

These are the awesome people that i met during our 24FitChallengeKL. Of course, we have a lot more wonderful people in our group wait you all to come and check out hah !!!!
Thanks 24FitBabes !!!!

Love you all



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