星期四, 2月 10, 2011

Nama Chocolate From Royce !!!

received this chocolate hmm... long time ago !!
but till yesterday only able to eat it
aiya...CNY too many good food le
how can we finish all the good food at one time hah ???

since yesterday a bit moody due to my back pain :(
so i decide to eat my all time favourate - CHOCOLATE
yes, i love chocolate so so much
it can cure my moodiness !! wahaha ~~

i forgot to take with the wrapper de
so here is the chocolate inside the box itself !!

when i opened it
i saw a small booklet and a small fork
of course the chocolate is in there...

hmm....when i saw this fork
my heart think is the chocolate soft till i can use the fork to poke mah ??
later try and see how

here the chocolate after i unwrapped the plastic
i saw this kind of chocolate in a blog
but she is not from malaysia
thats why i assume this chocolate is cannot get in Malaysia one
(haha...i prejudge)
but hoh...this chocolate also not get in Malaysia one woh !!

so, here i try to poke the chocolate
it is sooooooooooooooooo soft !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and now i wonder is it nice to eat mah ???

so i tried to bite a bit
and it is really soft de
also..it taste so yummy !!!!!!!!!
and and and i ate 1 row le -_-''
super fast hah !!!

wahaha...this chocolate is super yummy de nice ~~
dunno how to describe the taste
but i like it because it is not sweet and not so bitter
everything just nice !!

woohoo ~~~
i am happy now...
thanks lgz ^^



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