星期一, 2月 28, 2011

enjoy, relax, happy, learning weekend !!!!!!

saturday went to shopping at bukit bintang area
then at night went for a movie "No String Attached"

this movie is talk about 2 friends just had a deal of having sex only but without 感情 one
but at the end they also 產生感情 and together lah
this movie a bit boring alto i found still ok
but dunno why the person next time me fall asleep during the movie -_-''
but this movie is definitely no recommend to children lah
cause they talk so straight about the human sex organs !!!!!!
mad siao !! but funny movie lah just use your relax mind and watch then ok la

and my 戰利品 of the day :
a pink polka dot dress
a flowery top
a strawberry jacket
2 March magazines : Cleo and Women's weekly
Jay Chou 珍藏版concert DVD+Cds : haven watch yet -_-''
3 rings from Diva: love shape, bow shape and flower shape !!
a bracelet from Diva : super duper cute ^^

wow i walked whole day only get these things!!!
macam 很不可思議 neh !!!
and just found out all my clothes are in sweet colour neh !!
haha ~ so co-incident ^^

and Sunday is my learning day
went to KWSP for english sts

thanks to all the action team member and speakers to organise this amazing training

when i heard Joanna Cheong talking about why herbalife, its really make me think of why i choose herbalife why i started herbalife. but my reason to start reason herbalife is very funny and unbelievable and so far i haven hear anyone have the same reason like me -_-''

and i love love love Marcia sharing about company products because she such a products of product and i found she is the best person who share this topic at all time !! (thumbs up)
and her why herbalife is strong enough for her to keep going !! ^^

when the emcee said the speaker of the retail was imported from Japan i tot which samurai he was. but who know is Terence Chan !! first time hear his sharing about retail and follow up and i found is super informative and we really learn a lot.. and remember oh, we just bring the value to the market place and help those who want to be healthy !!

Marketing plan speaker is my beloved sponsor Jeffrey Alan. He been in the herbalife for the past 15 years !!!!! With his great experience, he will be the best person who share with us about the marketing plan and also how to go to next step hah !! and after this remind me of I WANT TO GET THE 5 STONE ACTIVE SUPERVISOR !!!!! ** cross finger ** (go Princess Sagi, you can do it !!)

of course last but not least is our amazing guest speaker, President Team member Brian Chen. his lifestyle AMAZING, his income AMAZING, his team AMAZING !!!!! cut the rope cut the rope. i want to cut the rope !!!!!!

and then everyone sit 乖乖 till the end you know why ????
because of the lucky draw !!!
and the best part of this is they get people to participate
like the emcee random pick a person to draw a name for the third prize
and when she got the prize and a ticket for next training (FREE yeh!!)
then this person draw a name for second prize
and also the same to the first prize winner
but in the photo you just can see 2 persons getting their presents right ?
so, the first prize which is on the bottom right went to who ?????
answer as below !!!!!!!

haha..paiseh lah..is me loh !! lolx
and i really amaze my law of attraction
and i truly deeply madly believe if i really want a thing badly
it belongs to me !!!!!!!!!!! mad siao ~~

and once i opened it
is a bookmark and carve Herbalife on it !!!
i love it so so much ~
and also 2 next training de ticketss
I AM LUCKY !!!!!!!

and i get to know that every training like this will having lucky draw
and oh they do serve us delicious shake and tea mix as well !!!!!
i just pay RM30 to get all this things is that amazing ~~
till now i still cannot believe it !!

p/s: and the amazing part is, all the 3 winners sitting at the FIRST ROW !!!
so, you all know where you have to sit next training le hah !!!

thanks for reading
and if you want to know more about next training or anything
can just comment me or email to sansanyap@gmail.com
else facebook me also can de ah ^^



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