星期一, 3月 29, 2010

about changing -----

i heard this and i believe you guys experience this before
when i called to people regarding WFH (work from home)
that person actually is herbalife distributor
but because of his/her sponsor/upline
did not use the WFH system but use other method
that person want to change line !!
of course my response to him/her was NO
we cannot simply change line as we like

for me,
i am the person who believe in fate
if you make a friend is a fate
and i strongly believe that everythings happen has its own reason
(alto i dont know what to do with change line)
but no problem
what i want to say here is
if you meet your sponsor is fated
thats why training always said be grateful to your sponsor
(thanks ryan remind me again this)

ya, this is so true
if we do not know how to be grateful to our sponsor
then next time our people wont be grateful to us
and i believe if a person think of change line
(on no matter whatsoever reasonssssss)
u change to other line also will think of change again
is the same like a person change job
if a person cannot stay long in a job
no matter where the person go
he/she will not stay long in that company as well

the beauty of herbalife is that
we all are independent distributors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
doesnt matter who ur sponsor is/are
where ur sponsor is/are
we still work well because
we have sideline, and dont forget we have downlines as well

we cannot be so selfish that we recruit the people in and now
want to dumb them just because of we ourselves want to change line ???
sorry i cant think of any word except SELFISH to describe

think bout this deeply

herbalife always say
we work for ourselves not for someone else

think thrice before you action



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