星期一, 3月 29, 2010

28.03.2010 English STS

wow.. time flies
the english STS finally 圆满结束

is so grateful that we have our guest speaker President Team Member Daniel Tan
i was helping on the resgistration
and i learn a lot
not only on registration part
i learn a lot from every little things

oh ya
i found out recently i can easily get inspire and learn something from my daily life
gosh , this make me so wanted to wake up every morning
to see hows my day going on
to find some challange on my day
to see if i can inspire or learn something new
learn something doesn't mean u have to work or do it or what
my learn something new is maybe someone just say a sentence that inspire me
this can make me change !!!!
all these make me live in passion ~~ i m gonna love it

ok..i know i out of topic

Daniel really really has a great attitude than any other people
thats why he is President Team
(Ok, i m on my way, you guys on your way, we go together hah)

usually our STS is from morning 9am to 6.30pm
(STS means Success Training Seminar in case some people dont know)
9am - 11am is for Supervisor Workshop

alto a lot of people still haven come back to Malaysia yet
but still we have a lot of people that are craving to learn came to the workshop early in the morning
you guys are awesome (including me !! yeah )

there are few people who were late
and asked me , was the guest Speaker Daniel already there?
or asked me, the guest speaker still Daniel?
i was like "huh ??" give them a blur face
because Daniel was there early than anybody
(suppose students need to be earlier than teacher de hah)
after that i found out they actually thought Daniel cannot make it
because , jetlag or he haven flew back from USA or they thought he missed his fight !!
-_- the answers was so incredible...beh tahan
these people are late and still like hoping the speaker was not in
what kind of attitude ??

yes, Daniel need to fly back from USA
but no matter what flight he took, what time he arrived, when he arrived
he was there for us !!!!
what a great attitude that we should learn from hah ?!?!
hey guys, now u know why he so successful in herbalife
and we not yet (not no, is not yet, dont give up ya)

for things to change, you have to change -jim rohn-

get little bit better and better everyday ^^

don't miss Daniel's training next time ya !!

i love to take pics(i very admit de)
does the 4 guys at the right side of the picture look like a team ?
i mean those idol team ??
haha.... so funny
and me,sasan and ryan were like taking pic with 偶像like that..

wow.. another amazing couple that you should have know in herbalife
they are Shai and Miti (were in Herbalife 10 years)
their income are RM3,000 EVERYDAY !!
i dont know about you
but can you imagine, after working 10 years
your income from maybe every month RM3,000 to everyday RM3,000
is it good enough for you to spend ?????

yesterday , i keep thinking this question
does normal job gives me RM3,000 everyday after i work for that company 10 years?
or maybe you guys already work outside 10 years
does your company pay you such amount ?????
but no problem, if you happy with your company
stick on it (we all want happy life)
if you not happy ,then just change it

because we are what we worth ^^

very simple, you work this much , your company pay you this amount
because you worth this much only !!
but, if you think you not worth this much
you worth more, you company underpay you
change company !!!
you have the right to level up ur value hah!! ^^

i was so grateful to Miti to help us coach a little bit to Louis and Wei keong
you guys are lucky hah

thanks Shai remind me to pay attention on what Miti
how Miti say
the tune she say ^^
i'd learn a lot !!!!!!! happy (=

you guys are wonderful
love you ~~

thanks for Louis and Wei Keong of your trustworthy
especially Louis
because Wei Keong you called yourself said you want to sign up de (so good hah)
and Louis trusted me thats why he banked in to me
and he came to KL from Melaka on the day itself for this training
(oh, so as wei keong also came from Melaka for this training)
i sure you guys will thanks me because you both can see a different picture of herbalife
(but you are welcome la)
hahaha...i so perasan hah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope you both remember what Miti had told you about the learning attitude
and wish you guys success in Herbalife !!

we are just getting started !!!!!



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