星期三, 12月 31, 2008


2008年的最后一天 小公主滑倒了
因为厨房有一潭水 所以地很滑
滑倒的时候 不能动 只能躺在地上一边哭一边喊hubby来救命
擦了正骨水 感觉好点 但是还是super痛
重一点的东西都拿不到 感觉很糟糕 :(

The last day of 2008 little princess felt down
because there was water in the kitchen so the floor is very slippery
when felt down that time , i cant even move my body
only can lye on the floor , cry and shout for help !!
poor little princess....... hurt my elbow and also hip...still pain pain .....
put the medicine already , feel better but still pain pain
cannot carry heavy stuff right now..
feel bad :(

2 則留言:

朱墨华 提到...

Dear princess,
you are in our thoughts,
and we're all
hoping that you will be
enjoying better health again soon.

SanSan の Life 提到...

thanks... i will recover very soon... :)


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