星期二, 9月 06, 2011

An Update ...

Dont know why september i so 'busy'
my 'busy' actually is it seems time flies
really flies
like sitting on a rocket like that
i have way too many things want to finish
so, times sit in the rocket seems not a good transportation hah !!

from the first week Hari Raya
second week went singapore MMI
third week now gonna go Korea (tomorrow.....)
next week full of company activities
then ... then no more september le @@

later still got appointment to go
sometimes i just wish that the people wont be so easy to agree with the appointment with me
( i know i cannot think like that lah)
is just i really macam have less time to cope (EXCUSE!!)
i know i know i know
is all about my time management
which i very poor in here
no excuse
now work hard on my appointment
then work hard on my time management
also want to work hard on my production

something came to my mind
thought -> feeling -> action = result !!!!

have a nice day ^^



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