星期五, 3月 25, 2011

article to share:for those who plan to lose weight, see here !!!!!!

a lot of people would like to get rid off some fresh from their body
some they might just want to reshape
but some they really want to slim down for health
some they might have other reasons themselves
but whatever reasons you have
health the main thing that we want to pursue !!

here i share some article that i found from SUN newspaper

part01 ask yourself the reason
why reason is so important another thing is to motivate you !!!!!!
you need to have something to motivate you when you about to give up ~
this is very important ~


when i see this, i immediately think about HERBALIFE
no other, why ?
because when we explain why taking herbalife can help you lose weight gradually we also count the calory for them to see
example: a normal traditional breakfast – nasi lemak, might easily can contain 500 calory( conservatively) but by using herbalife as breakfast is about 90kcal to the max 250kcal (depend on what you mix)
imagine 1 meal i help you save 250kcal easily
2 meals we help you save 500kcal a day !!
this is exactly what the article write hah ????? amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!

with sufficient nutrients
maybe some of the people will tell me oh i drink oat every morning
yes you can !!! but but but the oat have not enough nutrition for your body mah
if you the person who love to drink oat
add the oat into Herbalife Shake then mah ok loh
now you have enough nutrients also you can have your oat ^^
perfect match hah ~~


actually is hard for us to count the calory everytime everyday every meal
you will go crazy ~~


if possible
start writing down what you eat
write down every single details than you will know what you eat
then you will know from where you get those extra kgsssssssssss !!!!!!
actually is from those small little bite~~ day by day !!!!

part05 guys, exercise is absolutely important
you no need to have plenty of time to go gym or whatsoever
brisk walking also good enough as well ~

start WALKING from today hah ^^

hope everyone in good shape and slim down(if you are the one who want) in healthy way ~~

have a nice nice friday ^^



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