星期日, 10月 31, 2010

Bag Organiser


have you ever had the problems of
putting all the stuffs inside the bag
then when you want something
you just have to dig dig dig dig all the things inside the bag just to find one thing
i have this problems all the times
especially when i am in rush and i couldn't find the things that i want from the bag
or maybe you throw your phone inside and your phone rang you cant get the phone out on time to answer
or when you stomach pain and reach home's door but you couldnt dig the key out -_-
(i know this is weird!!)
but accident may happen and it happen all the time
i dont know where i found this bag organiser
but i guess i found this online
is like someone share the convinience-ness after they use this

nah...this is my bag
i just throw everything in ...no,actually i did not throw
i just put everything inside
but it comes out like that
messy messy and messy

but...after i use the bag organiser
this is how it look
khakis with baby pink colour (ohoho..i love pink)
can see my keys(yeah,with herbalife stripe)
so when i want to find my key
i can easily pull out

so many compartment !!!!!!!!!!!
means i can easily seperate my things into those little compartment
this is very convenient when i want to take out something
you see..i can organise my things so well
everythings in a proper place
when i look at it
my heart say: wah, this is very tidy le !! wahahahaha....
sendiri syok

this is how it look after i put inside my bag
i try to use a very soft soft bag
and i found this is perfect match with the soft material bag
when i want something
i just can easily see and grab

another best things is
girls usually change bag !!!!
so, when i want to change bag
i no need to take out 1 by 1
i just need to transfer the whole bag organiser !!!
THAT'T IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is super convenient leh !!

nah...try to change to another bag and see !!!
like that i wont forget missing transfer anything le

i really love this bag organiser
thanks lgz for bringing this back for me !!!

super super love this bag organiser !!



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