星期日, 6月 27, 2010

my Hello Kitty crocs

this crocs can said : 得来不易
because been looking for the ngam size about near to a year ??
i not sure how long le
everytime when i go to try, sure dont have my size (always !!)
been looking for this crocs in at least 2 countries
is not hard to find but hard to find my size
but who know
in a very co-incidents
i FOUND her !!!!!!!!!!!!!

the overall view of the crocs

the tag !! cute neh ~

the decorations !!
you can put at the hole anywhere you like
you can put each hello kitty in each side
or like me put 2 at 1 side ~

this is my size !!!!!

you can wear different way for this crocs

you can wear with the stripe on top


put it at the back

and the crocs is really light and very comfortable to walk neh!!
maybe , you can go and get 1 pair and wear !!!

i am happy ~~



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