星期三, 6月 02, 2010

HBL University - Dream and Attitude

come to the last topic of HBL university
although the people not as much as the first class
but still we have a lot serious people who commited to come to learn
this is what we call ATTITUDE ah
some people may go back earlier because they want to wake up early the next day
and tons and tons of excuses ~~

and according to our amazing speaker that
we have to grow ourself only the group will grow
then you can know why you stuck in the same position for so so long
and never never grow le

so, for things to change you have to change

our handsome sound effect controller - Chai
the speaker - Ryan
my notes and of course the most important are those people who came and learn

the topic is dream and attitude
and Frank share his dream board
he has an amazing dream board with all the date line !!!!!!
cool ^^

and this is Claire from France
she also shared her dream board ^^
she really a cute girl with a lot of passion in herbalife =)

which zone are you in right not ?
stretch zone can make you grow but dont get into panic
else you will be really panic hah ~

we have to think about this deeply yah ~~

choose what you want for your life
dont bother too much about other people surround what they say
because they not you , they cannot understand what you want
they make a lot of noise because they might be envy you
and what other people say is just their opinion
opinion always opinion ~~

of course everyone face obstacle
speaker ask , if you face obstacle, will you still dare to dream ?
of course dare !!!! why not ???
because i am lucky princess ^^
this is my BELIEVE

always always look for solution
dont spend so much on problems
this is like the 90/10 principle
is like 10% is on what happen to you and 90% on what you react !!

book that recommended: Last Lecture
video that recommended: Nic Vujicic
the video can search via youtube lah !!

dreaming is not a bad things but dont day dream will do
we dream it and we do it
and i am very very happy that i am full filling my dream one by one and
i really live my life with passion !!
i love my amazing life now =)



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