星期一, 8月 17, 2009


1.this morning distribute flyers at Hang Tuah station. multi-task when distribute flyers.. sometimes princess listen to music, sometimes listen to Jim Rohn. this make my distribution flyers more happy and more fun and i wont feel bored so i will love to distribute flyers and if i love to distribute flyers i can do it without fail everyday and if i do it everyday over and over and over again i know i sure get potential customers then i can grow my business and i will be happy and if i happy i will do more. Wah.. such a great circle !!!!!!!

2.Today help Jasmer start on lose weight program. She is the person that princess show the healthy breakfast program and she paid deposit on friday and start today !! she need to lose 25kgs but no problem, princess will accompany to the whole journey =) i am very proud to be a HERBALIFE distributor.

To be honest, without being a Herbalife distributor i would never have chance to help so many people lose weight , gain weight and get back their health. Without Herbalife, I will never have a chance to bring people into Herbalife and let them make money here. Without Herbalife, I really have no idea what i can do because i only know how to do Herbalife and this is so simple !! Without Herbalife, where will i be ? Maybe i am nothing, still struggling the life. Life is not easy and sometime life is hard. Nothing can be harder than life, if nothing harder than life, to do Herbalife definitely is not hard. hahaha.. I am lucky I found Herbalife. I Love Herbalife !!!!

3.went to Kim Gary at Midvalley to meet up with my ex-ex-colleagues..all these colleagues i knew them since my first joint company.


our foods.. basically .. the food is so so .. but i dunno why Rachel HXY want to come here …

first row : Rachel HXY + Choon Choon = Lovely Couple ?? hmm.. ok
second: Sia & me; me, YY(stand) & Rachel

(hmm… i have the problem to edit and arrange the photo in nice way… after i use picasa to make the photo like this i found out i dun hav photoshop to edit and put in wording.. ><) need to seek for help later ^^

cause Rachel and Choon just back from Macau(resign from there already) and we been long time never meet thats why yesterday went for gather. Lack of Charn & Sue. alto they are not staying very far away but still they very lazy woh. somemore Sue want to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 8am !!!!!!!! omg, how can she sleep  for so long ? 10 hours neh.. then princess sagi told her I sleep sometimes 12/1am and i will wake up 6-6.15am everyday. she said she old already but she just same age like me –_- anyway, thanks to Herbalife. if not i wont think i also able to wake up so early everyday ^^maybe what Sue mean is not in term of actual age is interm of body age which is our metabolism age.

have a nice chat with them ^^ found that everyone 对生活的看法和要求真的很不同。还有对工作的要求也不同。谈话之中发现,原来有些人会一直在换工,因为一些因素而不能继续,然后又换工;或者是做一份很久的工但是很不满意,就一直埋怨;有的就是满意自己现状,可是偶尔又会羡慕其他朋友在其他公司工作,薪水很高,叫她去做却怕压力或者因为公司很远而不要。。。所以这些都是我们的选择。每个人都会根据自己的要求与能力去选择自己要的工作。但是不要忘记,我们选工,公司也在选择我们啊!如果,我没有遇到herbalife,我想,我应该也会是以上的其中一个吧!就是因为有Herbalife,而且我学会不抱怨,所以不管日子怎样,小公主还是会继续的!加油~~

4 則留言:

sorakishi 提到...

Picasa can add words one...

SanSan の Life 提到...

oh is it ?? i dunno how to use..but can find out la..haha..thanks dear


mum this is Rachel from macao she came back malaysia thats great did she stop smooking or not if not she need to buy me adinner in high class resturant hehehe
i miss u soooo much mum

SanSan の Life 提到...

son, she back dy but she still smoking..so u can ask her buy u dinner ^^

miss you also


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