星期一, 1月 17, 2011

Great time with Alex,Shirin and Nee Nee !!

few days back darling Shirin called me up and told me that she and Alex also Nee Nee came to KL for a wedding dinner
so she asked for a meet up
wow....time flies !!
i not seen them since october 2009 !!
gosh... so long hah !!

yo... Shirin become a pretty sexy mummy le oh !!!!
last time look like.... hmm....hmm.....
oh yah... 1 years plus ago this is how she look like (click here)

Alex and Nee Nee... of course in october 2009 he look like this (click here)

Nee Nee and her pretty mama !!

Nee Nee such a smart kids
she really can speak very very well loh
cannot say talkative lah !!
and her parents said she usually dont let stranger touch her if she just get to know them first time but no loh she let me touch let me hug woh ... hehe... i m lucky hah
like the way she said "i love you" , call me "san san yi yi"
haha... and when you see her can just sayang her ya
cannot mit her face oh alto i know is cute ah
later her mum kill u then u noe .... lolx

they such a lovely sweet family
not oni treated me for lunch
but gave me such a nice and cute CNY card loh !!!

can see the handwriting so tidy and pretty
for sure not my pig heng dai write de loh !!
they even gave me a heart (made from money !!)
and a charm bracelet (got bling bling de loh !!)
yo..so sweet of them hah !!!

the left hand side is Shirin in oct 2009
and right hand is she now !!!
she told me her weight did not go down much but can tell she reshape a lot loh
i know she love aloe hah !! ^^

my pig brother
slimmer look healthier hah !!!!!

very happy to see them lose weight and get more healthy
very happy to know them for bout 14 years
very happy to see them stay happily healthily

love you guys !!
muacks.. xoxoxo



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