星期二, 1月 04, 2011

chinese new year is around the corner??

dong tong long tong qiang...
yah...chinese new year song always like that ... LOL
i am so into chinese new year mood i also dunno why
right after christmas quickly go to buy some chinese new year decoration
alto got some haven put up yet
but i just took 2 photos to share

this 2 dolls actually hang on the glass wall
and after i hung i saw from outside is super super nice hoh
just love it !!

and this is tang lung
chinese decoration always have tang lung one
and this tang lung is actually "ong lai" means pineapple
"ong lai ong lai" will give us prosperity
woohoo...sound good !!

the club has a big "ong lai" in the middle
like our 鎮山之寳 like that !!

i have chinese new year if i into it to decoration
i into it to ...oh yah, i bought a chinese new year album for my mum as well ^^
and also into it to shop for chinese new year clothes
hmm...actually chinese new year is good excuse for us to buy clothes hah !!

what about you?
any chinese new year mood ?
or did any shopping for chinese new year already?

actually chinese new year is just a month to go !!!!
really fast !!




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