星期二, 12月 07, 2010

School Of Success

today went to the first class of School Of Success
this is a 4 week classes de course in a month
if this course start already then you half way want to join can or not ?
sorry loh, cannot de
so, if really want to join must register early early then only can catch the good time ^^

yaloh...how come that idiot so rich but not you ah ?
why ah ?
how come ah ?
takkan we worse than idiot hah ???
i don wan to worse than idiot so i go to learn loh ....

the course provided each of us a folder and inside there has paper for us to take notes
so thoughtful hah !!!
see i so happy to take the folder
is like back to school like that

wow...i got my name on the folder neh !!
so cool..i like it so much ...

the class is very strict so every student have to give their phone out
no matter how many phone you have
can see my hello kitty inside hah !!

want to success ?
want to concentrate ?
no disturbance for this 2 hours lah !!

pain of success is better than pain of regret ah
(i know this is nothing related but just in my mind to share !! LOL)

actually i am ready to start the class le
but why got funny faces come out i also dunno !!!

very hardworking taking notes leh

after the class:
only i realise and understand what is network marketing -_-
hope is not too late lah !!
aiyo, school and university no teach mah
and also now only i know in some university got network marketing course neh
how i wish can take this course if i know earlier
how lucky the people nowadays !!!
so , dont complain ya
you all are the lucky one !!!

so next time you dont ask me what is network marketing
come and learn yourself then you know what is this lah
i am slow learner so i scare i dunno how to explain to you
and if i explain to you i scare you dunno what i talking about
but for sure everyone in this world is clever than me
so when they come and learn they know better than me !!!!

cant wait to go to the next class next week
i heard that the next classes will get more excited de
woohoo ~~~

good luck !!



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