星期五, 12月 10, 2010

和Dr Louis Ignarro有約

Finally, reach the time with our dream lover ^^ Dr Louis Iganarro
Herbalife is really a step by step system company !!
First, we get the online purchased ticket from a counter
then we queue at another counter to get our tag
they have different Q, for photo session and non photo session
After that, we Q to take photo with Dr Louis Ignarro !!
and then, we can get into the hall lah !!!

after get into the hall, what we usually do?
some will chit chat, some sit down but most of the people TAKING PHOTO !!!!

simply love this photo !!!
this look like the stage is so clean !!
ya, i sit on the stage edge .... hehe...
thanks Eugene Wong for quickly took this precious photo for me ^^
appreciate that ~

and bought his book !!!
wahaha.... this photo also very nice ~
Thanks Ryan for taking this for me ^^
Dunno how to describe the feeling at that moment

Got Nobel Prize Winner write de book
and later going to see him REAL PERSON soon !!!!!!
all the things like make the photo perfect ...
wahahaha...syok sendiri heh !!

family photo time !!
Kartiqa (red tudung) said REUNION...
I like this word !!
cause we are working in different place
we use different method to work
but for sure in this big event everyone appear
then we can gather together !!
so nice ^^
and rock n roll anuar (black jacket 3rd from right)
i not see him for a year !! omg ~ so glad to see him there ^^

thanks to you guys for controling the sound system !! woohoo ~~~

STAR coming out !!
really like a star cause everyone Q to meet him
crazy to take signature from him !!!!

wow...here you go !!
he sign inside the book that we just bought !! hehe...happy happy...

you know why he choose HERBALIFE ????
really think bout this...
ok, if you dunno nobel prize...hmm...check wiki/google
they know everything..
by that time he won the nobel prize
sure plenty company want to work with him
there is no doubt about this
but he choose HERBALIFE
because he want to choose the number 1
listen, is NUMBER ONE company to work with
this is the reason....
simple yet powerful hah !!!!!!!!!
he is so CLEVER , SMART of course
(a boh how he won the nobel prize lah)
btw, HERBALIFE really is the only company that has nobel prize winner work with de
aiyo....think of it also feel proud le !!

after he explain about all those canggih science term..
i finally know little bit more (dunno little bit or more lah) bout our products
it's really amazing night for me !!
sad for those who cant come and experience it ~

can see ah ??
all is people not ants hoh !!!
everyone so concentrate
of course i also concentrate lah

he start to run marathon when he was 64 years young !!

he use 5 hours to finish 40km !!
after that improve untill 4 hours 8 minutes~
kisiao....i dun think i can do that alto i m really YOUNG !!
shame to say that hah !!!

this were his 13 marathon records
such an amazing guy

and he cycle too !!!
really sporty heh for his age now !!

touching time!!
he wont the Nobel Prize day !!
and his research is Nitric Oxide
and so ngam, the Nobel Prize logo is NO !!
everybody cannot run out from NO hah..this is what he said
funny guy ^^

and you guys and go to any book store to buy his book hah
then you will know more about NO
which is very good for our heart de
because seriously said
heart disease is quite a popular disease in malaysia
thats why we always heard people say they have heart disease
stroke la, heart pain lah....

so, take good care of your health start from today
healthy diet plus moderate exercise and also good nutrition
(this is what doctor said hah )

too excited to share but cant share all
so, dont miss our next event to learn more exciting thing hah !!

good night ^^



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