but it was just ... hmm...
from 21 May till now
i guess is bout 4-5 days
oh yah
because i learn yoga
so no matter i got nothing to blog
i still will update my yoga lessons
i have bunch of to do lists
omg omg omg !!
but recently arranging the moving
so now the house is kinda a MESS !!!
yes, is a MESS MESS MESS
but no problem
soon will be over..perhaps !!!
and daddy admited hospital
why ? because of eyes operation
now stil hospitalize
if nothing then tomorrow can discharge
i really cant deny he is age
i want to accompany him more !!
yes i will, no worry
due to Herbalife training in Bali on July
in macau on September
so i need to remember to book flight ticket all these stuffs
just anyhow i can list bunch bunch of to do list
time to make call