星期五, 3月 26, 2010

measure my happie

while waiting my dinner
i do something i never think of doing
which is
help my happie do measurement !!

but in fact i only manage to post after i come back from my dinner
here we go

i measure her

ya.. this is her neck
actually is in between 8-8.5 inches
i guess is bout my arm size

oh no.. my arm is 9 inches !!!
oh gosh..i have a really big arm
hmm... i gotto do something bout it

this is her body
14 inches
is that big for a maltese ?
i dont know
just sometimes feel like she is quite big though


this is how i measure her
and how i took photo for this

1 hand hold the measurement tape
1 hand snap photo

haha... pandai me ^^



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