星期日, 3月 14, 2010

day tRip back hometown ^_^

long time never go back hometown le
since papa want shake so little princess decide to send back home
this morning woke up at 8.30 am prepared to go back hometown
its gonna to be a day trip back lah anyway

happily inside the car...doing nothing..keep fb-ing and camwhoring...lolz

guess i turn left or right ?? lolz... dont want tell u...
those who know dont 38 here yah....

the new 18 turns... no more turns dy ... hehe... straight straight one jalan
very smooth..very nice to jalan

very familiar the scene hoh ??
i mean for those who also stay satu kampung with me la

fast fast tangkap.. the skill not good..paiseh

this one also very familiar leh.. hehe ~~ near le near le

this one even nearer to my house lu...

and finally ... i home save... very happy
hope you guys enjoy ur sunday ^^



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