星期一, 9月 20, 2010

kids attitude

when raku raku club open that day
i suddenly talked with a partner about kids attitude
we both agreed that kids have superb good attitude

first of all, she talked about her son "thick skin"
dare to play with anybody
because they just want to play
on the other side, we can say
kids think very simply
they just want an accompanion
so they play with each other, they join each other

when kids learn how to walk
they fall down
after they fall down, of course they cry
but they did not give up learning how to walk
in their mind no such word name "give up"
so, finally they know how to walk

when kids want something
they promise to get good results
they promise to be good
they cry, the manja
they use all kinds of methods just because they want the things
in their dictionary , they do not have such word call "give up"

kids attitude is so brilliant
today, say Ryan Ooi share link also talking about kids attitude
i did share in my facebook also

this is what we need to learn hah !!!

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