星期三, 4月 07, 2010

i learn "why people die"

yes, actually human being die
but, some of us are like killing ourself slowly slowly because of our eating habits
our lifestyle
all these kills us slowly, and sometimes even without our relisation

yesterday was a great training by Frank
he taught about "why people die"
of course i did learn a lot

the food now and the food last time is different
nowadays , we cant get balance healthy food
yes, we can prepare
yes, we can buy organic
(oh yah, talk about organic, how u make sure people put the words organic is organic?)
they just simply cincai anyhow put organic then the price can be double or tripple the normal
(anyway, im out of topic)
see the way we prepare food nowadays
eg: vege (sayur), suppose green, fresh...best to eat raw?? (i dont know)
but, we usually overcook
we usually put a lot of sauce
why ?
because our taste bud
we are not feeding what actually our cells our body needs
we are feeding our taste buds
because our taste buds says nice then we eat
and we will not eat what we dont like
m i right ? (correct me if i m wrong ^^)

for those people who want to control your weight your weight
(i meet a lot of people told me that they want to control their weight themselves
want to lose weight themselves by not using herbalife la)
very good and go ahead
but please please please make sure you calculate the calories properly

i re-learn little bit about the calory
eg: white chocolate mocha latte - 500 kcal
large banana chip muffin - 540 kcal
this is OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you can burn about 1200 kcal per day without exercise
just these 2 little things then properly you can only eat another 1 small 200 kcal things
(maybe can consider drink 1 cup of shake - about 200 kcal and give u 55 nutrients)
but where is another meal ?
we suppose eat 3 meals per day hah
aha, no wonder so many people skip meal la
because if eat 3 meals the calory definitely over hah
plus we dont have time to exercise hoh~~
hmm..... you should start think bout what you eat ya

because , we are what we eat !!!!!
if you not believe
try to eat the same things everyday
1 day 3 meals see whether you will become what you eat or not
(but i m just kidding - dont be so serious hah)
but is true also
and we will become what we eat start from now
(if you not believe...........)

think bout this: if you can be healthy, why you want to be sick?

and i learn a very SURPRISE news/statements:

nowadays kids die before their parents !!!!!!!
because nowadays we eat unhealthy than what our parents eat
we eat fast food
they probably eat what they plant (this is what my parents do)
or if they not planting now
last time the food/fruits is much more different than now
nowadays the foods contain too much preservative due to
want to keep the food long enough for us to store -_-

talk about fast food
no matter the food serve fast or is memang call fast food
we tense to eat fast, chew fast, telan fast
why ?
rush time, no time and the lunch time only 1 hour
some even forgot how to chew le
they are so rush heh ~~

i heard another surprise news is
nowadays people die from TOO MUCH food than from TOO LITTLE food -_-''
apalah !!!!!!!!
maybe this is teasing those people who over eat , eat too much
then become overweight, obesity
btw, obesity is a major contributor to chronic disease and disability
不是说肥胖不好 只是肥胖会比较容易引起疾病
woohoo...so simple
if fat/obesity = disease/sick
no fat/obesity = no disease/no sick
yeah... my equation (u can ignore if u think this is no right)

stop blaming gene ya
(your parents born you out is innocent, your ancestor also innocent)
some people love to say they have fat gene -_-
actually gene only affect 30%
but people still will say
"ya, you see my whole family all fat fat one"
harlo !!
you all stay together, eat the same things, of course the same size lah !!!!!!
wake up ok ?!?!?!
70% is on our hand
remember i said, we are what we eat !! (think this deep deep)

i guess my absorption is till here
but i found i learn a lot from Frank
i like reborn, recharge
now become very super powerful
want to go to rescue people le !!!!
(sorry for ki-siao-ing... lol)

i wish i can share more about every tuesday night in my office de training
so , i already promise myself will go to the class de leh !!

and stay tune for the next topic "wellness and dont know what - teach you how to earn cash in your pocket" in our office
(tell you a secret, i heard that the speaker is a very cute and pretty lady woh!! so must come and see see and of course learn lah !!)
hahaha~~ ok.. forget what i say

** got people ask me, why i blur blur also can do herbalife...
hmm ... is not the matter blur or not i guess
is the matter you want to do or not
and of course now i found is the matter of you HAPPY or not
the more happy you are , the easier you do
and you are forwarding to success closer
but of course you have to work lah **

love you all, i heart herbalife, i heart mark hughes ~~



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