星期五, 5月 08, 2009

为什么不会成功? Why cannot success?


1.没有聚焦No focus:把时间浪费在紧急的事情,而不是对未来最重要的事情。就是说,我们没有雇用我们自己。没有像以前去上班那样来经营herbalife。

Wasting the time in urgent things, not the important things for our future. Which mean we not employ ourself. We have to employ ourself to do herbalife like we go to work before.

2.抗压性不够: 被拒绝几次就觉得要死掉酱,就不能做下去酱。或者是因为担心、害怕(他不知道们自己害怕什么),所以阻碍了前进的动力。或许全职和兼职一起做,所以一遇到困难就容易退缩。

Can't take stress: if been rejected few times , then was like cannot continue work already like that. some person worry too much, afraid too much(dont know what they afraid of), so this may void them to move on. some people have full time job and do part time herbalife, so when they face some difficulty they will easily stop to move on.

3.坚持不久:有些人会说“试试看”,这样的心态更加不可以。因为不如说今天我们自己开店,有没有人说:我先开一个月试试看。看一间店还要装璜ki ling kla lang 的东西,更加多钱。

not consistant: some people may said: i try and see. NO TRY in herbaife. WHY? because imagine you open a shop, will you say: i try to open one month and see see? where got like this one ?? cause if open a shop , we need to pay rent, need to do renovation, need to put in stock, need to pay electric, water, maintainance.... so you dum so many money inside, will you still say i try 1 month and see see ???

所以我们必须改变我们的态度,态度决定一切。Attitude first.....


1 則留言:

寂寞的胖子 提到...

great posting... i agree what did u wrote..


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