星期三, 1月 28, 2015

My First Run In 2015 - 100 Plus Outrunner 9.3km

Went for my first Run in 2015 which is 100 Plus Outrunner 9.3km in Putrajaya
I register via Hooha Asia
This is a night run. I found that run in putrajaya the air is more fresh.
Not sure is my mindset or is true. Last time went for Energizer night run but maybe is in KL city, so the air is not as fresh as putrajaya.
When I ran in putrajaya, I can feel the breeze air.

Result was out pretty fast

My Result : 74 F8557 YAP SAN SAN 01:02:24 01:00:32

I was No. 74 out of 1258. My net time was 1 hour.
This was 9 km. But I was thinking, I shall improve for my 10km next time.
But one thing i realise that this run got no up hill that much.
Once it come to up and down hill, it kill my leg and me too !!!!

But I am happy with my result.
One thing I do different from my previous run is I tried not to walk.
If I feel tired, i slow jog then catch up again my pace.

Cant wait for my next run in 8th Feb, 2015 - KL City Run !!

Love ya

星期一, 1月 26, 2015

A day with Special Children

CY sent us some invitation to go visit orphanage on 25 Jan 2015 in Happy Garden
Was lost even we using the waze because it is a housing area and we could not find the number
And the event is hold in the playground in the middle of the housing area

We gotto register once we arrive
Actually we got a free gift but i forgot to take picture of the free gift
very thoughtful of them ~~ and we can paste our finger print on the banner that they get ready 
Also sign on it !!! very colourful and i like it ~~

 We are not that late so we able to see the first performance which done by the children
It was HOT but it was happening at the same time
I can see they really dance by using their heart !!!
Oh gosh, i lovev the wave ^^

 And we have Miss Garfield come out to give them present.
Actually if you bring kid, you will get the goodies bag as well
I saw inside they give notebook, colour pencil, pencil case, pencils etc
I wish I am kids as well ~~~ Who doesnt like present hah !!

Games Time !! Big kid small kid can play together
They playing musical chair
When the music start, you have to round round round outside those chairs
When the music stop, you have to grab a chair and sit
Those who not sit on the chair lose
And see who is the surviver untill the end !!!!

If you not able to go China to see the real Panda, here we have Kungfu Panda !!
together with the garfield 
Let those kids take picture with them !!!!

The Legacy 22 team~~

Love the balloon made by the clown !!!
Couple shoes and pants with Hana !!! ^^

Group picture with one of the kid there
Actually I not their age but this is the one who dance Michael Jackson
And he really dance well !!!!!

I had enjoy my Sunday so much with the 24 Fit Challenge KL members and with the special children
Of course at the end of the event or at any time, you can donate the money at the registration counter
Cause the kid need our help ~~
Although you no need to donate a lot but everyone donate little it can make a  huge impact 

Hope you all have a great day ahead
Love ya 

星期四, 1月 22, 2015


Although is not Christmas anymore, but I lucky enough to have a bunch of Babes give me so many gifts so I consider them as my 2015 New Year gifts hah~~~ They are such a sweet babes in my life !!!! Really have to thanks to 24 FitChallengeKL, because of healthy active lifestyle and I get to know a lot of people who love to be healthy , who are crazy , fun and positive !!!!

Life is always Wonderful !! 

Thanks Dinda, Shariff and Little Jasmine brought this back for me from Korea !!
So sweet to hear Jasmine said that when she saw the Hello Kitty she straight away think of me hah ~~
Already used the Panda Mask ... hohoho ~~~

 Thanks Cilla for bunch of goodies !!!! I got new luggage tag yeah ^^
Definitely love those stickers not only is Hello Kitty but when I write cards and write planner, I love to add stickers on it!! Good to try the new "shoes lace" but no need to tie them so no worry the shoes lace going to open when I run!! Lovely ~~~ Last but not least the lovely hanger, and my favourate colour and it suit my Pink Room so so much hah ~~~

Pink from Hong Kong !!!!!! You know me well Sherryl, anything sweet, girly and PINK !!!! 
Got a new Pink Earbud ( I think i never had pink earbud before >< ), but now I got one !!!! sweet ~~
another PINK "shoes lace" all PINK ~~~~~ a gorgeos lip stick and also pink eye shadow ~~ just nice to have them for CNY in february ~~~~~ hehehehehe.... Love love love them !!

 Another lovely PINK mirror from Hong Kong !!! Thanks Hana. You want me look at myself everyday isit ?? hehe~~~ just i dont know why the pouch is in wedding wording loh ~~ LOLx... but I love the cute mirror neh !!! ^^

A sweet little souvenier from Koh Lipe from Nat. Saw her picture from Koh Lipe, Thailand. the scene is breath taking !! no wonder it known as "Thailand Maldives". Put it in my travel list, yeay ~~~

These are the awesome people that i met during our 24FitChallengeKL. Of course, we have a lot more wonderful people in our group wait you all to come and check out hah !!!!
Thanks 24FitBabes !!!!

Love you all

星期日, 1月 11, 2015

Project 1 : MARIO

New year new project !! hehe ~~~
Got few of this Fun Block for me to fix
And I plan one month make one project for myself
Not necessary have to be this Lego Block
But other hand craft project also
Will share one by one when they are done
So, Let's go to see our Mario !!!!

 This is the box...ermmm..obviously ~~

 When we open the box, inside they provide you the lego blocks and instruction paper

 The instruction will tell you how many blocks you suppose to have, what colour are they
Then you just follow the number and colours and shape of the block to fix them

This is my first time fix lego thingy like this. So, i feel kelam kabut. Like out of sudden i will scream how come i dont have that particular shape and colour. Actually i use in different place.

But once I almost finished, I realise the shoes colour suppose brown, but i left black colour.
I think must be something wrong. So I check Mario Face !!!!
and I realize !!!!!!!!!!!!!! His cheek is brown colour instead of black !!!!!!!!
So i had to slowly , carefully take out the two from each side, just pray the whole face not koyak
And thanks godly luckily i manage to take out and fix back the black colour
Actually the shoes with black colour is ok but the face with a dash of brown it seems super weird

Lesson learnt: be extra carefully 

 My final Product !!!!! weeeee.... spinning !!!!

 from the front ~~

from the top !!!

Excited to start my second project ~~
who will it be ??
stay tune ....


星期二, 1月 06, 2015

Lunch at Sushi Zanmai - Low Yat Branch (04 Jan 2015, Sunday)

Happy New Year 2015 !!!
I hope everyone is doing good so far for your 2015 and more goods coming 
I decide in 2015 i want to start blog about my life, start sharing my thought etc

Is been awhile since I ate sushi. Sushi always my favourate food

 Sushi Zanmai is one the best affordable sushi restaurant in town by far. I mean dont say about those high quality Japanese restaurant. I am comparing with sushi king ><

 Come here of course i have to eat my favourate Mentai-sushi. I found i kinda like any mentai sushi. Mentai means they use the fire to grill on the top of the sushi. I ordered the salmon Mentai. once you put the sushi into the mouth, it melt straight away. When i write this blog i can feel my saliva come out !!! hehe~~~

 Of course i have to order Mentai handroll. But sad to say, the mentai sushi is way better than handroll. Next time i will stick to my california handroll will do !!

 Oh, when you come to sushi zanmai, must try their little lobster. i not sure is this mentai or not already. but i just know is superb !!! one of my favourate as wel !!!!

 And one of their Dragon Roll. A bit dissapointed this time because the dragon roll this time is not as good as last time i ate. sob sob *** dont think i want to order next time anymore. Stick to my mentai yeah !!

 Because i not full enough so i order teriyaki chicken. Use to eat the chicken stick on those Jusco Stall. And when i go to singapore i also love to buy at bugis. so you can see how much i love the chicken stick hah ~~

Of course at the end I had to pamper myself with a perfect ending which is Banana Chocolate Parfait. On top is Chocolate ice cream with banana, whip cream, middle they mix with cornflakes and orea, and the bottom is vanila ice cream.
I dont really like their oreo so did not eat them. But i like the combination of this.

Love a little out date lunch on a chilling Sunday.

I wish you all have a wonderful day ahead.

星期一, 5月 05, 2014

A little story of TRIANGEL

The TRIANGEL originated from a famous Italian allusion. In the time of ancient Rome, there was a kindhearted lady falling in love with a young man who was witched to be indifferent to the lady. The lady was so depressed and sit in front of the window crying day and night. Finally, her love had touched the Gods. They send the TRIANGEL to the lady which could make the witch appear in front of the young man. The young man realized that his true love was the lady and they had fallen in love again!
Now, in Italy, girls like to place their TRIANGEL in their room and let the TRIANGEL bless them.
Do you want to have the taste of true love?
This TRIANGEL will bless you and your beloved. It is a superb gift to keep or to give as a present to your sweethearts.
The hidden meaning of the doll is glamorous. It symbolizes as the guardian angel of love.
The doll’s head, hands and foots are made by high quality porcelain while the facial part of the doll is made by hand.
The limbs of the doll can be twisted into any direction.
Each product is handcrafted with sophisticated design.

星期二, 3月 25, 2014

Princess DIY - Sandvenier

Went to Maldives on 20 - 23 March 2014
But there really have nothing to buy as souvenier
so I decided to DIY !!!
Brought some of their white and clean sand
So, let's begin our DIY !!

Small glass transparent bottle

Marker Pens

Basically I just pour the sand into small bottle 
Place newspaper underneath if you decide to do it inside your house
remember to use a funnel or DIY a funnel using paper while pouring the sand into it
this can make your life easier
because those bottle mouth is way too small
So, if I pour directly into the small bottle
the sand will fly to everywhere which is not cute ><
after that, close all the bottle and create some cute art
or write something on the bottle
WALAH !!!!!!!!
we are done ^^

We not necessary need to use the sand from Maldives
but if you do have any nice sand 
probably you can make this your own ^^

Have a nice day !!!!

星期一, 3月 24, 2014

Princess Nail Polish

Bought this nail polish from Thailand for quite some time
and never have a chance to paint them

Both Nail polish from Beauty Buffet
I had never seen this brand in Malaysia
thats why I decided to bring some nail polish home !!

the Neon Yellow colour I used is in colour S03
and the Neon Orange is colour S02
both have no other name just number itself

Is been quite some time I had not visited nail salon
Plan to visit before my next travel start
Will see ^_^

Hope everyone have a good day !!!

星期二, 3月 18, 2014

Maldives Trip

Since I came back from Maldives, I receive quite a number of people asking me about the trip
So I think I would love to BLOG IT OUT !!
As my memory as well ^_^

My Trip: 
Duration : 4 days 3 night
Island: Paradise Island
Resort: Water Villa
Flight : Air Asia, 4 hours

Maldives actually is a country form by thousand of islandsssss
Yes, thousand but after tsunami i not sure how many islands disappear and how many left

Before you go to Maldives, you may need to check the weather
The weather is not like winter or what because basically there don't have 4 season
Just you need to avoid to go during June and July because is their raining season
So no point go there just stay in hotel or villa whole day hah

You also can decide which Island you want to go
Do some research online and see other people review
For me basically I want to stay Water Villa(very clear goal)
As the word say, the Villa on top of water !! hah...
There is not many Island have water villa so it can minimize the choice

Book flight !! Direct flight is about 4 hours
I took Air asia but AA no longer fly over there which is sad ><
Maybe due to AA no longer fly over to Maldives so my flight is inlcude
20kgs check in baggage, and plane meal  !!
which first time in my life get FREE from AA 
lucky me ^^

When you book hotel, you may need to check also it is 
FULL BOARD means breakfast, lunch and dinner is included
Mine is HALF BOARD so only breakfast and dinner included

Maldives mostly use USD
But if you use USD to buy things , they will give you back their currency change
which i think i wont probably use it for next time
To eat there in the island basically from USD 8 and above depends on what you order
So, it is advicable to get the hotel together with meals included

Also you may want to check if the hotel or resort provide transport to transfer you from Airport to the island
I stayed Paradise Resort and Spa resort
the resort provide boat to transfer us to the island
If not, you can choose to take air plane or boat to the island you stay
Air plane will be more expensive than boat

The airport in Maldives is call Male airport which is an island
Their capitol is also call Male
Here we not pronouce Female Male the Male
we pronouce sound like Mali or Mal Ley something like that

Things that you can do in Maldives like
Diving, snorkeling, sun tan, swim, go to their capitol etc

Below are some of the pictures that from Paradise Island

Italian Restaurant


Water Villa

Villa Deck

Beach Bag
Because our lunch is not included
so the first day when we arrive we went to the Italian restaurant to have lunch

Italian Restaurant

Tropical fruits juice

Cabonara Spagetti 
aglio olio

complimentary bread
Can't quite remember the price
Is about USD 12 or USD 25 something like that per plate
but when you are here in the Island
You no need to carry cash with you because when you ordered
you just need to tell them your room number
then when you check out that time
you will pay together before you leave

That's about all my short Maldives trip 
If I can remember any tips I may do an update blogpost next time !!

Till then ~~~
Love xoxoxo


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